A new documentary has been broadcast about water financialization. The programme is produced by the German-French TV ARTE and is called ‘Main Basse sur l’Eau’ or ‘Wasser – Im Visier der Finanzhaie’ (Lords of Water).
It is available in French and German and can be watched for free online here.
The documentary shows the impacts of water markets in Australia and its development in California. They interview many of the people actually speculating with water.
It will also be broadcasted in some European TVs in the coming days:
- In Belgian French-speaking TV on the 12th of December https://www.rtbf.be/tv/guide-tv/detail?uid=2168355933668 and on the 15th https://www.rtbf.be/tv/guide-tv/detail_main-basse-sur-l-eau?uid=2180318138668&idschedule=e0a0ac27b8e854a6f41332ccaac3a2fb
- In Dutch TV on the 19th and the 20th of December https://www.tvgids.tv/tv/lords-of-water/23468022
- In France on the 17th of December https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/082810-000-A/main-basse-sur-l-eau/
- In Germany on the 17th of December https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/082810-000-A/wasser-im-visier-der-finanzhaie/
- In Swiss TV (available until the 13th of December) https://www.rts.ch/play/tv/doc-a-la-une/video/main-basse-sur-leau?id=10864435