For those of you who signed the letter to the European Commission, you may be interested to see the response we got. We are pleased to have gotten a response, if the detail is very much lacking.
Hannah Mowat, FERN
Dear Ms Mowat,
Commissioner Poto?nik has asked me to answer your letter of 17 October 2014. The Commission’s on-line consultation on a future EU no net loss initiative served to collect stakeholders’ views on a broad range of issues related to no net loss of biodiversity. We are pleased to see that so many used this opportunity to express their opinions. We also welcome Fern’s and associated organisations’ contribution on this important topic. We will evaluate all the contributions we have received and take them into account when deciding on the further actions to be taken at EU level to achieve no net loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Yours Sincerely,
François Wakenhut, Head of Unit
Directorate B – Natural Capital
ENV.B.2 – Biodiversity